SY8 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY8 1 is a postcode sector in Shropshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SY8 1 Postcodes (Active). SY8 1 postcode sector comprises of 304 active postcodes. SY8 1 sector has a population of 8256, and it has 3948 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY8 1 postcode sector

SY8 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8256
Addresses / Property Count 3948
Active Postcodes 304
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of SY8 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 304 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY8 1AA 52.36869000 -2.71732100 4 12 351257 274758
SY8 1AB 52.36801400 -2.71754500 1 3 351241 274683
SY8 1AD 52.36862800 -2.71786100 6 6 351220 274751
SY8 1AE 52.36828700 -2.71776800 N/A N/A 351226 274714
SY8 1AG 52.36872200 -2.71793800 N/A N/A 351215 274762
SY8 1AL 52.36816700 -2.71817700 2 5 351198 274700
SY8 1AN 52.36825400 -2.71954600 21 25 351105 274711
SY8 1AP 52.36776800 -2.71964100 8 11 351098 274657
SY8 1AQ 52.36790100 -2.71839500 N/A N/A 351183 274671
SY8 1AR 52.36787300 -2.72001000 4 10 351073 274669
SY8 1AS 52.36722800 -2.72029100 7 8 351053 274597
SY8 1AT 52.36765000 -2.72050400 16 22 351039 274645
SY8 1AW 52.36788300 -2.71914200 1 2 351132 274669
SY8 1AX 52.36738400 -2.72213100 1 2 350928 274616
SY8 1AY 52.36729200 -2.72165800 1 2 350960 274605
SY8 1AZ 52.36657100 -2.72050100 14 20 351038 274524
SY8 1BB 52.36666700 -2.72097300 8 9 351006 274535
SY8 1BE 52.36575400 -2.72028200 7 14 351052 274433
SY8 1BF 52.37009900 -2.71769600 5 6 351233 274915
SY8 1BG 52.36561300 -2.72067800 18 37 351025 274418
SY8 1BH 52.36419600 -2.72005300 7 14 351066 274260
SY8 1BJ 52.36506900 -2.71909600 1 2 351132 274356
SY8 1BL 52.36562400 -2.71944300 21 31 351109 274418
SY8 1BN 52.36609700 -2.71934900 21 39 351116 274471
SY8 1BP 52.36743500 -2.71959100 7 18 351101 274620
SY8 1BQ 52.37983000 -2.72954600 18 30 350437 276005
SY8 1BS 52.36749400 -2.71951700 3 4 351106 274626
SY8 1BW 52.36671900 -2.71975400 30 43 351089 274540
SY8 1BY 52.36764300 -2.71943300 2 3 351112 274643
SY8 1BZ 52.36825000 -2.72013300 25 27 351065 274711
SY8 1DA 52.37022600 -2.71899000 21 44 351145 274930
SY8 1DB 52.36927100 -2.71851800 N/A N/A 351176 274823
SY8 1DD 52.36861100 -2.69740300 N/A N/A 352613 274736
SY8 1DE 52.36963000 -2.71864100 N/A N/A 351168 274863
SY8 1DF 52.37927600 -2.72980300 30 63 350419 275944
SY8 1DG 52.37196400 -2.71846100 N/A N/A 351183 275123
SY8 1DH 52.37040500 -2.71912600 N/A N/A 351136 274950
SY8 1DJ 52.37198700 -2.71845900 9 17 351183 275126
SY8 1DL 52.37215900 -2.71957800 6 11 351107 275145
SY8 1DN 52.37426800 -2.72246400 2 6 350913 275382
SY8 1DP 52.37255900 -2.72034900 N/A N/A 351055 275190
SY8 1DQ 52.37807600 -2.72536000 17 36 350720 275808
SY8 1DR 52.37765900 -2.72738000 1 3 350582 275763
SY8 1DS 52.37842400 -2.72582100 N/A N/A 350689 275847
SY8 1DT 52.37538400 -2.72743100 16 29 350576 275509
SY8 1DU 52.37330800 -2.71992000 21 42 351085 275273
SY8 1DW 52.37711400 -2.72527100 27 100 350725 275700
SY8 1DX 52.37387600 -2.71976800 10 22 351096 275337
SY8 1DY 52.37451600 -2.72011800 6 11 351073 275408
SY8 1DZ 52.37374300 -2.71944300 7 11 351118 275322
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